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TUITION The studies at TEI are organized into semesters. In each semester the students have to attend different courses in the form of: a) Theoretical lectures. b) Practical exercises in laboratories aiming to a better understanding of the theoretical lectures and to a better acquisition of professional skills. c) Seminars, projects and educational visits. d) Diploma Thesis, and e) Practical training in specific work position of the state sector as well as in private enterprises. The duration of each school hour is 45 minutes for theoretical lectures and 55 minutes for laboratory courses. PROGRAMME OF STUDIES The timetable is announced ten days before the beginning of each semester. Each student prepares his/her own timetable programme depending on the courses he/she wish to attend. A relevant statement is made to the Department together with their registration. The total teaching hours per week for each student may be those of the specific semester he/she typically attends, plus courses that correspond to six (6) additional ECTS credits. He/she must also be aware with the prerequisite courses. A student who has not made such a statement can not attend, or be examined, in any course for this semester. In addition, the student can not attend, or be examined, in any course that he/she hasn’t included in the statement. For graduation, a minimum of eight (8) semesters is required. No student can graduate earlier. PREREQUISITES In the Department of Animal Production there are prerequisite courses, the so-called chain courses. These courses are clearly found in the students’ statement of courses of each semester.
ACADEMIC YEAR The academic year starts on 1st September each year and ends on 2nd – 5th July of the following year. Each academic year is divided into two semesters - the winter and the spring semester. Each semester consists of 13 weeks of classes and two periods of examinations. The duration of the total period of studies is 8 semesters - 7 semesters of study and 1 semester of practical training. There are no classes during the National and Religious holidays of our country. Courses are interrupted: a) From Christmas Eve until the 2nd January. b) From Good Wednesday until Wednesday after Easter Sunday. c) From 6th July until 31st August. No courses are conducted during weekends and in the following feasts, national holidays and anniversaries: a) Saint Dimitrios (26th October), b) National c) The Annunciation (25th March), d) Anniversary of the e) Three Hierarches (30th January), f) Holy Spirit, g) Labour Day (1st May).
STUDY 1. Students are obliged to attend all courses of the study programme, according to their statement of courses. According to a decision of the Council of the Department, at least 10% of the registered students in the course should attend a theoretical course or the theoretical part of a mixed course in order to consider the course “as taught”. 2. The forecasted hours of teaching at each semester and for each course are determined by the Sector of Courses. Then at the start of the semester, the responsible professor of each course announces the forecasted hours of teaching, based on the schedule of the Department and after having taken into consideration the days that there will be officially no courses held.
GRADING SYSTEM The grading system is numerical, from zero to ten (0-10). The success grade is five (5). The final grade point average of all courses is recorded on the degree, according to the following classification scheme:
EXAMINATIONS 1a. In order to succeed in the laboratory skills or in the applied part of a theoretical course one student it is required for the student to attend and succeed to the 80% of all laboratory applied tests done during the whole semester. Last week of each semester supplementary labs are performed for those students who have missed or failed to up to 15% of the vocational skill of that particular laboratory, so they could fulfil the 80% total. This is only possible if the nature of the particular laboratory allows it. In case of failing at the final examination, whenever this could be applied, students are eligible for re-examination before the beginning of next semester. If fails again, then the student should attend the whole laboratory from the beginning, unless he/she was awarded final grade higher or equal to b. Grades awarded for attending a particular laboratory are the average of all grades awarded during the semester in this laboratory, according to the nature of each laboratory. A relative decision should be taken by the Sector of Courses before applying such a regulation to each laboratory. c. In the end of each semester each professor deposits to the Department student grades for the laboratory he/she performs, that are classified by the Secretariat. 2a. Intermediate evaluation (student progress) could be applied to theoretical courses or the theoretical part of combined cognitive areas. This procedure, as well as the percentage participation of grading to the final grades, should exclusively be approved by the Department’s General Assembly, following professor’s relative report. In theoretical courses or in the theoretical part of combined courses with intermediate evaluation, details for applying this evaluation are decided by each professor according to course’s nature and particularity. Such an intermediate evaluation could be short projects, seminars, exercises, observations collection, artistic creations etc. Final grade will be the sum of partial grades of the intermediate evaluation. Successful student is the one who sums up to at least grade 5. b. Prerequisite for student participation to intermediate evaluation (oral or written) should be the official announcement of such exams at five (5) days before the examination date. 4. The grade for the students incoming to the Department through the procedure for other Departments graduates classification, is given according to the following procedure: receptor Department, following Department’s Council decision according to existing legislative rules, unburden students to be classified from taking exams on courses already been successfully passed at their School or Department of origination and specifies courses to be taken in surplus. 5. Student failed to pass a compulsory course should repeat it next semester. If failed to a compulsory elective course he/she should repeat it next semester or change to another compulsory elective course, though if failed to an optional course he/she could repeat it next semester or replace it with another. 6a. The final grade of a combined course results from the addition of both theoretical and laboratory grades, using factors between 0.40 and 0.60 and sum up to one (1). The way of distributing both grades is decided by the Sector of Courses according to the teaching hours and to the particularities of each course. b. Attending successfully one course means that both grades at the theoretical and laboratory part are at least “well”. c. Final grade of an only laboratory - vocational or only theoretical course is the grade as specified in paragraphs 1.4 and 6 of this article, respectively. In case of success in the one part of a combined course, grade of this part is secured and course is taken again only for the other part of the course. 7. When a student fails three times (3) in one course, he/she could apply to Department’s Council for been re-examined next examination period by a three Educational Staff member committee of the Department. In this case Department’s Council sets such a committee. 8. All Departments of the School should take into consideration the particular needs of disabled students and solve such problems for teaching, examinations etc.